– Applications tropical timber –
Lesser Known Timber Species – A website promoting awareness of lesser known sustainably sourced timber varieties, to help make more sustainable use of the forest resource. Backed by Danida, the Danish International Development Agency, FSC Denmark, industry partners, and based on the Tropix7 Database from the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD).
houtdatabase.nl – Database, mainly in Dutch, with over 200 timber species and 15 types of wood-based panels used in residential and commercial construction and waterworks (civil engineering), providing information on the physical and mechanical properties of timber species, uses (including reference projects), suppliers and availability with a certificate for sustainable forest management that meets the Dutch procurement criteria.
ITTO Lesser Used Species – A new website launched by the International Tropical Timber Organisation to promote use of sustainably sourced lesser known and lesser used tropical timber species. The aim is to make more sustainable, commercially viable use of the forest resource.
All about Log Cabins – From antiquity, one of mankind’s most basic needs has been shelter. From ancient times to the modern era, humanity has continuously developed sophisticated housing to suit our evolving needs. Though we’ve created many forms of housing over the centuries, the simple log cabin still holds our fascination and is as popular as ever. Log cabins are often associated with camping sites, but more and more people are investing in log cabins for private living.
– NGO’s –
Fern – Forest and European Union Resource Network; EU forestry strategy monitor and NGO coordinator, also addresses trade and climate issues.
FoEi – Friends of the Earth International; global conservation and sustainable development non-governmental organisation.
Greenpeace – global conservation and sustainable development non-governmental organisation.
WWF – Worldwide Fund for Nature; global conservation and sustainable development non-governmental organisation.
– Supporting trade and research –
ATIBT – The International Tropical Timber Association; a multi-sector body dedicated to sustainable development of the central African timber sector.
CIFOR – The Centre for International Forestry Research; global forest conservation research and knowledge body.
EFI – European Forestry Institute; forest policy support and research body backed by 25 European states. Host of EU FLEGT and REDD facilities.
ETTF – European Timber Trade Federation; Europe’s leading timber trade bodies representing national federations Europe-wide and STTC implementing partner.
ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability – a sustainability and environmental agency and network helping local government operate sustainably, devise and implement environmental action plans and policy. Comprising over 1,000 cities, towns and metropolises in 84 countries.
IDH – Netherlands-based body dedicated to growing sustainable trade by facilitating coalitions between businesses, civil society organisation, governments and other stakeholders to deliver on Sustainable Development Goals across 18 sectors. Backed by a €155 million co-funding grant from Dutch, Swiss and Danish Governments.
Illegal Logging Portal – hosted by London-based think tank Chatham House, this site gives latest data on illegal logging levels and instances, and illegal timber trade. It also covers anti-illegal trade regulation and timber legality initiatives.
NepCON – international not for profit focused on mainstreaming sustainability in forestry and other areas, with activities including certification and training.
Probos – non-profit institute for forestry, forest products and services, focused on balancing forest services and values and financially sustainable management.
Sustainable Timber Action – an initiative to help European local authorities ensure timber and wood products they procure are sourced and traded sustainably. It ended in 2013, but the Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition took up its role, while its website still includes useful guidance.
TFT – The Forest Trust; global environmental charity working to improve natural product supply chain performance.
– Certification schemes –
FSC – Forest Stewardship Council; a global not for profit environmental forest management certification scheme with associated chain of custody, under which forestry, timber and wood and forest products companies are third party audited to its internationally applied principles and criteria.
MTCS – Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme; scheme for legality and sustainability certification, with chain of custody.
PEFC – Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification; a global not for profit environmental forest management certification scheme, with associated chain of custody for timber, forest and wood products, under which individual national certification schemes are assessed, audited and endorsed against its criteria.
SVLK – Indonesia’s Timber Legality Assurance System; legality assurance scheme with associated chain of custody for forests and timber.
– International institutions –
UNFAO Forestry – helps nations manage forests in a sustainable way, balancing social, economic and environmental issues.
ITTO – The Independent Tropical Timber Organisation is an intergovernmental body, dedicated to promoting conservation and sustainable management, use and trade of tropical forest resources. Members represent 80% of tropical forests and 90% of tropical timber trade.