Restauration Dudoktribune

Short summary

Location Hilversum, the Netherlands
Date of complation 2011
Wood species Mandioqueira (mandio), uchy (uchi torrado), angelim/sapupira amarela (angelim pedra), cumaru
Certificate FSC
Country / Region of Origin Brazil
Application Siding, outdoor steps, indoor steps, Beams and purlins, rafters and joists, columns, furring strips, banisters and rail parapets
Additional information Mandioqueira (mandio) has been painted entirely and used as siding and for banisters and boardwalks of the stands. These stands have a cover overhead but are fully exposed to weather influences. angelim/sapupira amarela (angelim pedra) has been used for the seats and. Cumaru was sued for the heavy beams and uchy for the other parts of the carrying construction below the stand floor.


Company name Precious Woods Holding
Contact person Ruud Lourier
Address Untermüli 6 CH-6300 Zug
Country Switzerland
Telephone no +31 (0)6-53269598
Chain of Custody certifcate no. CU-COC-008517


Reference project: applications of timber in civil engineering, residential and commercial construction, edition October 2014
Part of the database ‘Wood species for residential construction, commercial construction and civil engineering’ created by Probos en Centrum Hout.

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