IDH seeks Coordinator for the European Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition

Background and Terms of Reference
IDH convenes companies, CSOs, governments and others in public-private partnerships. Together we drive the joint design, co-funding and prototyping of new economically viable approaches to realize green & inclusive growth at scale in commodity sectors and sourcing Our approaches are designed to drive sustainability from niche to norm in mainstream markets, delivering impact on Sustainable Development Goals. We focus on creating positive impact on deforestation, living incomes and living wages, working conditions, toxic loading and gender.

IDH is supported by multiple European governments, including our institutional donors: BUZA, SECO and DANIDA and we work together with over 500 companies, CSOs, financial institutions, producer organizations and governments in 11 sectors and 11 landscapes in over 50 countries worldwide.

The IDH Tropical Timber program promotes the use of sustainable tropical timber. The objective for the 2016-2020 period is to support certification of tropical forest – with FSC, PEFC or other credible standards – spread over strategic locations around the world. These locations will in some cases overlap with landscapes in which IDH works on preventing deforestation. In these landscapes, the timber program also aims to work on broader issues to support sustainable forest management and prevent deforestation, for example by working with national timber federations, large companies using local timber or alternative livelihood strategies.

On the demand side, The European Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition (STTC) is an alliance of industry, business, government and NGOs dedicated to increasing European demand for sustainably sourced tropical timber. The STTC’s aim is to develop the market in order to incentivise the growth and spread of responsible forest management in tropical countries. The initial 2020 target is to increase European sustainably sourced tropical timber sales to 50% above 2013 levels. A key part of the strategy was an ETTF-administered programme for funding projects that contribute to this goal, including sustainable procurement action plans in the EU trade and local government.

To support the IDH timber team on moving the European Outreach work on tropical timber and pulp & paper forward, IDH is seeking the support of a consultant with a background in these sectors. An extensive knowledge is required of (tropical) timber itself, legislation, the sectors, stakeholders and international trade. We seek a consultant who is both strategic and innovative, well organized and feels comfortable with the administration of various projects.
The consultant will be working at IDH’s office for two days a week until April 30, 2018, for a maximum of 100 days. The initial contract will be for a period of 3 months, with extension in case of mutual satisfaction. Start date: as soon as possible.

Initial deliverables

  1. A report with recent market data on tropical timber and pulp & paper, and a resulting analysis on potential future market scope for both programs. The data can be collected from various sources, such as ITTO or Probos reports, so no own research is required. It should compare current information to information from before the financial crisis, which especially lead to a large decrease in the demand of (tropical) timber.
  2. An analysis with recommendations based on scoping for a future European timber and pulp & paper covenant, answering questions such as: what is the appetite from stakeholders for such a covenant? What are factors to keep into account? Which stakeholders would be interested, and why, and what can they commit to? The report should specifically describe what EU governments can commit too, seen in the light of European legislation.
  3. After the analysis, support the team to implement a covenant.
  4. Organize two learnings events for the European timber trade federations, in close cooperation with the European Timber Trade Federation.
  5. A final narrative and financial report on all the projects delivered before April 2018.


  1. Administration of current contracts. The Consultant will be the contact point for all partners and manage the progress & annual report process. Progress reports are due by September; the annual report must be finalized by April.
  2. Support Probos in the organization of the annual European STTC event, and with any requests concerning communication.

In all of the activities, it is essential to maintain the link with our landscape programs.

Application process

Please send the following to before February 26, 2017.

  1. Curriculum vitae / organisational experience
  2. Motivation letter, including an explanation of the synergies between this assignment and others
  3. A one-pager in which you share your vision on how the STTC and IDH can (better) contribute to increasing demand for verified sustainable tropical timber and pulp and paper on the European market
  4. Proposed budget/ daily rate

Companies are equally eligible to express interest.
Please include the above and a company track record in your application.

After selection based on the above, an interview will be planned.