ICLEI promotes STTC to local government

ICLEI, the international network for local government bodies aiming to improve their environmental performance, is urging members to join the Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition (STTC).

The organisation, which goes by the full name ICLEI  – Local Governments for Sustainability,  provides mutual support and best practice exchange to help members become ‘more sustainable, low carbon, biodiverse, resource-efficient and productive’. It connects civic and other authority leaders in strategic alliances for specific projects, and also provides training in developing ‘innovative methods and tools for improving sustainability performance.

It now comprises 1500 city, town and regional authorities worldwide, together  represent over 20% of  global urban population.

ICLEI sees the STTC’s goals to boost EU procurement and sales of sustainably sourced tropical timber as very much aligned to its own.  It is already a STTC partner as an organisation and is now recommending individual ICLEI members to join the STTC too.

To raise awareness of the STTC, it is distributing a range of literature, including 1000 postcards based on STTC materials, and a letter signed from its European Regional Director Wolfgang Teubner. It is also using  STTC videos.

It will provide information on the STTC’s programme to help fund organisations establish sustainable timber procurement policies and use testimonials from existing local authority members

ICLEI focuses on the five initial STTC target countries, Germany, Spain, Italy, France and Denmark . But it will also promote STTC membership to authorities elsewhere where it feels appropriate. In addition it is exploring collaboration with the Environmental Partnership Association to publicise the STTC in Eastern Europe.

The latest local authority to join the STTC is Rotterdam City Council, which signed up at the STTC Conference in the city in June.